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Available Online

Add Product to Your EPK Page

Earn from your profile by adding Merch Products and more!

2 hr
100 US dollars
The Utah Creative Chamber

Service Description

Earn 20% of the total sales price every time a products from your collection sales. Earn an additional 20% when you sale products using your affiliate tracking link (40 Percent total) found in the earning tabs. Products added to your page will be available until removed After purchasing this service, follow these steps to add a new product to your EPK page. 1.) View blank products available to add to your EPK by viewing our DropShipping Catalog.  2.) Go to the Submit a Design page to download product templates, upload graphix and provide additional details to include in your product design.. 3.) A product mockup will be sent for your approval within 3-5 business days. If approved the product will then be live on your page. 4.) Purchase products for yourself at 30% off using the personal discount code found in the Earnings Tab. Reminder: Don't forget to Schedule a Time to speak with a Display Representative to Sync your Products to Instagram and FaceBook shop. Thanks for working with Display Clothing Global. Want to add products to your page for less? Purchase the On Display Global Pricing Plan which includes adding 3 new products per month to your EPK Page, plus more!

Contact Details

  • 960 West Levoy Drive, Taylorsville, UT, USA

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